Overview: What we will and won't cover in this course

In this course we will:

  • Reality check what is ACTUALLY happening with your
  • business income and expenses
  • Create a revenue and income goal for you to work towards
  • Map out what you charge for what to understand how it’s
  • working and what you might plan to change

We’ll assume that:

  • It’s OK to want to have some sliding scale / pricing for economic justice
  • Earning revenue in your business doesn’t equate to “your value”
  • Your pricing choices are more complex than “make the most money”!

In this course we will NOT:

  • Deep dive on taxes (beyond assuming that you need to pay them, and save/have money to pay them)
  • Explore tracking for your income or expenses (beyond assuming that somewhere you can find out what you are earning, and what you are spending)
  • Debate or discuss business structures (beyond assuming you are or are trying to earn money!)

You can learn more or and work on these:

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