Fearless Freelance: Small Business Money Skills for the Self Employed

If work for yourself, these solutions will help you flex your hustle muscles and manage your independent revenue with less stress!

Your small business or freelance work generates income for you, right?

… so let's give that money the same care you give the work you do to make that money!

If you've ever wondered or slogged through any of these:

* I'm making money in my business, I think. Wait -- how much money AM I making?!?

* What the he#! am I supposed to be doing about taxes -- and why am I not doing it?

* *Gazing at multiple bank emails* It's cool, I'll just...open another tab and get out my ol broken spreadsheet and hope for the best...

* Am I supposed to be doing something, uh, official about this?

* Real talk: how can this help me retire?

* What is a write-off or expense -- and why do I care about receipts?

Listen up: you’re about to learn this...In less time than you might think!

Fearless Freelancer & Small Business is a workshop for anyone who makes money that doesn’t come in neatly on a W2 -- whether it's your full time, gig, or side hustle.

Gig economy workers, coaches, therapists, bartenders, nannies, artists, Etsy sellers... small biz owners you know who you are, and how your money is flying around.

If you don't know how to track your business money, how much you REALLY make, or how to make that money work well for YOU, this course is going to help.

You’ll learn:
  • Four steps to legitimize your solo business, and that business income!
  • How to professionally handle receipts, plan for tax write-offs, and understand the illustrious Schedule-C ta reporting form.
  • NEW! A step-by-step process to decide exactly how much to charge so you can earn what you want to
  • Multiple tools and practices for income tracking: including an income calculator spreadsheet template so you know how much money to plan for taxes, and how much you can pay yourself.
  • Why and when to set up a business EIN, bank account, & smart business structure
  • For those times when your business plans to pay taxes game doesn’t feel as fresh as you are? Yeeeah. We’ll lay out three clear ways to plan ahead for taxes

Hey! I'm Hadassah Damien.

I teach this because I love supporting and being part of small businesses!

For starts, I’ve run six of my own freelance small businesses over the last 20 years. Before that, I worked for small business owners. And before THAT, I was raised by a small business owner who made SURE that I understood EVERYTHING.

And you know what? I love being a small business owner, and no matter what other ways I work, I will always run a side gig. (Like this one). It’s in my blood, and the money part is easy for me.

So, let me help you make it easy for you — so you can spend as much time as possible DOING your biz.

When you register, you’ll get:

  • A two-hour video workshop taking you from start to finish on understanding your money when you work for yourself.
  • + the 21-page handout for the workshop and a 30-page slide deck
  • A money-tracking spreadsheet template to set your prices, estimate your "paycheck", do multi-job income tracking, and level up your annual forecasting
  • BONUS 30-minute kickstart workshop + 24 page handout on managing, planning for, and understanding your uneven or irregular income
  • EXTRA series on freelance taxes: a worksheet, video guide, and self-study reading material
  • NEW: A module on revenue, income, and pricing, including sliding scale business models
  • And, a month of weekly follow-up emails with a guideline to get you moving forward
Fearless freelancers - learn to flex your hustle muscle and make the money work and make more sense!

This course focuses on self-employed sole proprietors (eg freelancers and one-person businesses), and applies to partnerships & LLCs. S- and C-Corporations, you need an accountant & a lawyer. (and if you don't know what those mean, then this course IS for you!)

This course is ideal to take for folks who:

  • Are thinking of starting a freelance gig, side hustle, or small biz
  • Run solo businesses and haven't sorted out the "money part" yet,
  • Work multiple jobs, some of which are self-run
  • Are artists/freelancers,
  • Have a side hustle [or three],
  • Get paid in cash or checks that don’t have taxes taken out,
  • Want to understand how to untangle your business and personal money

You will learn to handle the following with grace and - hey - maybe even a satisfied smile:

  • To learn to set your rates and your income expectations in line with your goals and needs
  • To understand how to plan ahead for taxes and costs for this year - and next year
  • To make sure you've taken the right first steps in your freelance business
  • To SAVE yourself money by learning about expenses and tax write-offs and how business owners "work" taxes
  • To prepare your expenses tracking for your first visit to an accountant (to potentially save LOTS on taxes!)
  • If you're wondering why you're not bringing in enough money, you'll learn to plan for and go for the money you want to make!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

People are saying:

"She allowed me to figure out a way to plot an accessible self-employment life for myself that was 1000% more stable and less a$$-busting, where my rent got paid and money went into savings."

"I feel more calm about money after this."

"I have been afraid to ask for support – largely because I didn’t think most financial advisors would understand my lived experience. Then I took this class and was blown away. How amazing to learn about money with someone who is so anchored in social justice! She shared incredibly useful tools and tips."

This comprehensive intro to Freelancer Finances and Small Business Money Skills course is here for you!!

That’s right –You can start improving your business today.

And as we know, getting financial things tidy and efficient isn’t going to do itself. That’s why this course gives you LOTS of support in three scaffolded pieces to help you learn, explanations in regular language, and templates to get and keep you going.

Your investment to get three key modules of crucial information plus a recorded workshop is only $189 - for less than you pay your trusty accountant once, you'll get a lifetime of information that will:

* help you know what kind of business you are, and what kind of banking you need to do
* be certain you're organized for taxes and writing off deductions right (saves you TIME and money)
* be ready to change what you need to, and know what your business income is.

The value you get from learning about money as it relates to your business includes:

Understanding and tracking expenses means more control over reducing how much taxes you pay - potentially saving you hundreds to thousands of dollars every year.

  • A client who learned about Schedule C business write-offs with me got a $3,107 tax refund. You can NOT afford not to know this stuff, people!!

Fewer therapy sessions worrying about your finances -- and more time opened back up to put into your work, or yourself

  • "Once I started tracking my income, it seemed so natural and I wondered why I hadn't started earlier. I was able to understand when I'd be flush or be tight with money and start to plan ahead." - TH

Reduce your changes of waking up in a cold sweat worrying about the IRS.

  • Priceless, really.

The confidence you need to charge sustainable rates

  • You only need one regular client or type of customer who pays an anchor rate to transform your work from grinding to sustainable. Yes, that would cover the costs of this course, but much more importantly by making a business plan you can learn how to transform your business into one that serves you for as long as you wish to run it.

If you were to work with me personally to get this level of detail and length of training, it would cost you at least $950 — if I could even talk at you that long (hint: unlikely) -- and my rates are more affordable than accountants and other trainings.

I hope you do yourself the favor of signing up for this valuable information today, and enjoy the videos, templates, written guides and inspiration!

Get started now!